This Independence Day, July 4, 2023,
we have a puppy litter gaining independence!
Jubilee x Obadiah's puppies have begun eating their own
mealy-mash and just had their first outdoor dining experience.
As usual, they are a little unsure initially, but they soon explore the new!
Contact us for more info about this litter
870-723-4166 or robert.kiply@gmail.com
2 black boys, 2 black girls, 2 yellow boys & 3 yellow girls
Here are photos of dogs from past Jube litters,
plus not one, but TWO bonuses:
a LETTER from one of those pups and a VIDEO from another pup!

"Woof woof!
Hey there, Mom and Dad!
It's Macy! I hope this letter finds you both wagging with joy. I just wanted to check-in and let you know that I'm doing pawsitively amazing!
Guess what? I've been on the most epic adventure of my life! I took a one-month road trip all the way to Florida! Florida, of all places! Can you believe it? I saw palm trees, white sand beaches, and sunsets that made my tail wag like crazy!
But the best part was the Atlantic ocean! I taught myself how to body surf the big waves while retrieving my bumper. The water splashed everywhere, and I couldn't help but shake off on everyone nearby. They were all soggy, but hey, it's all in the name of fun, right?
Speaking of adventure, one day while exploring in the mangroves, I saw this peculiar-looking creature with claws! My master called it a "crab" and said I should "leave it". But I couldn't resist giving it a sniff, and bam! It pinched my nose! Ouchie! I'm alright though, no worries. Lesson learned: don't mess with crabs!
Now, let me tell you about my daily routine. I have this thing called "bird-thirty" when the birds outside start singing early in the morning. It's my cue to jump on my master's bed and give him enthusiastic good morning licks until he begrudgingly lets me out to do my business. Oh, the look on his face is priceless!
Oh, oh, oh, you won't believe this one! I've turned into a real health-conscious doggo. I eat all my vegetables at dinner! Who would've thought this little Labrador would love greens? Carrots and lettuce are my favorite! (But I'll do tricks for a bite of banana.)
Remember the human boy I live with? I'm like his very own furry guardian angel! Every night, I tuck him into bed by giving him a lick goodnight. He giggles, and I know I'm doing a good job as his personal licker... I mean, caretaker!
Now, here's the big news! I am super excited about hunting season in the fall! I can't wait to sniff out those hidden treasures and retrieve them for my human family. I'll make sure no birdies are left behind!
I'm so grateful to be part of this fantastic human family. They love me, spoil me, and I couldn't ask for better belly rubs! I'm living the doggone good life!
Anyway, I should wrap this up before I start barking out a novel. I'll try to write again soon and keep you updated on my latest escapades. Until then, take care, and know that I'm sending you all the tail wags and puppy kisses from afar.
Lots of love and licks, Macy Dulin 🐾"
Bonus #2: Video of a Jube x Huck pup, "Huck" Jr. :)
"Huck in Montana - what a nose!" ~ Wells