Tallgrass Kennels is a gun dog kennel offering selectively bred British Labrador Retriever puppies, Started Pups & Started Dogs for sale. We also offer stud service.
We breed & train British labs from field trial lines, some imported directly from the United Kingdom.
At Tallgrass Kennels, we strive for dogs who will become team players who will excel in the home & field. We breed for pleasant personalities, strong desire and classic labrador style while working in the marshes, woods and fields.
In addition to being keen hunting partners, British labradors are known for their “turn on - turn off” demeanors, which make them wonderful family pets and easy keepers in the house, as well. Their versatility renders them ideal companions, upland/waterfowl/antler shed hunters, service dogs, kitchen clean up crew, and the list goes on

We are a family-operated gun dog kennel. We choose to provide a more personal setting for our dogs by limiting the size of our kennel.
We appreciate your interest in our kennel and dogs. Please use our links to visit other pages on our site or use the Contact page to inquire about specific information
on our British Labradors,
who we are & what we do.
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